Reunion of a Lifetime

mauritius_mapThis reunion happened on 3 November 2010 in the middle of the Southern Indian Ocean and it stretched out over several days. Never would I have thought that we would meet again some 9,000 miles (14,480 kilometres) from where we were first thrown together. The place a beautiful island called Mauritius. Continue reading “Reunion of a Lifetime”

Sad News

m_IMAG0014Sad news received this morning, from Holland, of the death of Louis, father of Soesma and Chris. Louis was a kind and loving man. Gone too quick at a retirement age of 66-67 years, he will be missed, RIP.

Graham has passed away

Graham_Suckling_HarveyWe have been informed that, our dear friend Graham (in photo with his beloved Harvey the dog) has passed away around 0830am UK time on 5 April 2008. Dear Graham will be missed by many. A friend for more than 30 years, we worked together and had many good times in the UK. Belgium and The Netherlands. I will miss our e-mail exchanges on various topics and his sense of humour. We shared the same taste for good exotic food and fine old rums. Today, 5/4/2008, I was in a Chinese restaurant by the coast in Mauritius and thinking of him I had a glass of good rum to wish him good cheer – at that moment I had not yet received the news of his death.
Cheers Graham, thanks for your kindness, energy and good humour. You were a good friend to have around and a superb technician.
God bless till we meet again.