How tough is it to live in paradise?

When looking through vacation advertisement, you must have read that famous line from Mark Twain to describe Mauritius.

“You gather the idea that Mauritius was made first, and then heaven; and that heaven was copied after Mauritius.” by Mark Twain, from “Following the equator” 1897 Continue reading “How tough is it to live in paradise?”

Reunion of a Lifetime

mauritius_mapThis reunion happened on 3 November 2010 in the middle of the Southern Indian Ocean and it stretched out over several days. Never would I have thought that we would meet again some 9,000 miles (14,480 kilometres) from where we were first thrown together. The place a beautiful island called Mauritius. Continue reading “Reunion of a Lifetime”

Big Boys Still Play Games

m_BigglesMy original interest was and has always been planes. Since the age of 12 I have been fascinated by planes and especially military aircraft. In my younger days the interest started out as a plane spotter and I would go out armed with cheap plastic binoculars and the year edition of “The Observer’s Book of Aircraft” published by Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd. I still have the 1960 and 1961 editions in my collection. I had a rare advantage when living not too far from Boscombe Down in England then a major aeronautical research base. I would climb a hill that overlooked this base and spot many 1960’s aircraft prototypes being flown and tested. Another offshoot of this hobby was the building of plastic scale model aircraft from the range of the famous Airfix kits. This passion later resulted in my wish to join the Royal Air Force at a very young age. Continue reading “Big Boys Still Play Games”

Entering the world of blogging

Here I go learning WordPress and finding things to talk about. The blog facility has a huge amount of possibilities so it is going to take me time to get to grips with it. My learning curve is going to be steep at this time until I become more at ease with WordPress. I hope to get some interesting things to say here in my not so exciting life. So as they say watch this space. I will be releasing this blog for limited public viewing once I have cleaned it up after the transit from Live Space.